active trade

英 [ˈæktɪv treɪd] 美 [ˈæktɪv treɪd]




  1. The market opened in a bullish mood.
  2. Turnover was$ 9.8 billion, with China Telecom seeing the most active trade at$ 1.03 billion.
  3. We have taken an active part in the trade finance program of the International Finance Corporation and provided financing support to the IMF, which will be mainly used to help developing countries.
  4. We are a responsible and active participant in Global trade, and we will not have a free lunch in the Doha Round talks.
  5. Through active trade defence mechanisms, supported by WTO rules, it will not allow its industry to be jeopardised by unfair competition.
  6. Trade and logistics: Huangmei is active in trade economy, the logistics is developing rapidly.
  7. Both sides will adopt active measures to facilitate trade and investment cooperation between enterprises of the two countries.
  8. Moreover, China has been active in doing trade and investment deals with Iran, covering pipelines, long-term gas supplies and important infrastructure development in Iran.
  9. Cantonese Merchants Active in Sino-Japan Trade in Japanese Harbor Cities in the Qing Dynasty
  10. One Korean-Chinese man who visited relatives in Hoeryong last year also describes an increasingly active drug trade.
  11. This barrier mode will for a long term exist, and will accompany the uncertainty of the world economic recovery and play an active role in international trade.
  12. Finally, we had extraterritoriality and used this legal advantage in order to be extremely active in the opium trade.
  13. She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
  14. She's an active member of her trade union.
  15. There would be an active trade in Highland cows to meet tax payments, but people would continue to take their banknotes English pounds, euros, or US dollars, as Tesco preferred not cattle to the shops.
  16. Today, our trade committee is working active on international trade agreements through our relationship with national sporting goods federations but also directly with governments.
  17. Active trade intervention abroad, in other words, is accommodated by rising trade deficits in the US.
  18. Washington has a large and active community of trade negotiators, lawyers, lobbyists, academics and think-tankers, not to mention journalists.
  19. A protruding feature in the South African market is active transit trade;
  20. In foreign economic relations, the new road motivates active development of foreign trade and economic cooperation and pushes the realization of gradual world economic integration, paying attention to both Smith Ricardo's world economics and List's national economics.
  21. Surveying the Current Active Trade Balance of China
  22. Post-quota Age: Active Countermeasures on Trade Frictions of Textile and Apparel
  23. Developing Bottleneck and Countermeasure in Active Dry Yeast Trade
  24. The different listed companies, which the level of exchanging activity is different, the sensitivity that the price to the ratio is different, which means that the more active the trade is, the higher the sensitivity the price to the ratio, vice versa;
  25. China is also active in developing Regional Trade Arrangements ( RTAs) with countries or areas around.
  26. Drived by the reform and opening-up, the foreign trade and economy in Chongqing has enjoyed high speed development, and enterprises are more active in foreign trade. At the same time, the competition and challenges in the international market is increasingly fierce.
  27. Today, active of Heilongjiang trade circle is the continuation of thedevelopment of initial trade port.
  28. By multi-level diplomatic effort, such as the Summit Diplomacy, the economic diplomacy implemented concretely by commerce department, and the function diplomacy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the strategy of the free Trade Area and promote a more active free trade area construction.
  29. This brought about a period of great development of the port; the port has slowly transformed the simple role which is loading and unloading cargo into the role of active trade positions.
  30. Since 1980s, service trade has shown strong vitality with its astonishing growth rate, becoming the most active part in international trade.